7 times Taylor Swift transformed mundane feelings into poetic masterpiece

By Abigail Guardiano

Spicy Produce
3 min readFeb 14, 2021
Illustration by Abigail Guardiano

Growing up a Swiftie, I had to fake break-up scenarios in my head just to cry while proudly screaming to Taylor Swift’s heartbreak anthems. Her words just hit different that you’ll want to get heartbroken to relate. Fast forward to now, 13 years after the release of Fearless, Taylor has decided to come back with her re-recordings to which I’ll still cry to but this time, with a real heartbreak.

As a feature writer back in my high school days, I’ve always relied on Miss Swift’s instant vocabulary lessons with her songs. She’s always been known as an excellent lyricist and someone who tells an entire story vividly within more or less three minutes.

In celebration of the latest Love Story version release, here are 7 times Taylor Swift transformed a mundane feeling into a poetic masterpiece:

  1. November flush and your flannel cure– Champagne Problems, Evermore

Well, one might say, “Miss girl, just simply say that you’re cold. No need to word it that deeply.” They might have some point but for me, this line simply had a lot of thought in it than you might notice. I would like to interpret it as “times were hard but your love heals” I don’t know. Maybe it’s just me, maybe not.

2. Take the words for what they are: a dwindling, mercurial high; a drug that only worked the first few hundred times– Illicit Affairs, Evermore

No more lengthy explanation. A toxic relationship disguised as a majestically worded lyric that makes us want to taste the feeling of a short-lived love.

3. Well I stopped picking up and this song is to let you know why– Dear John, Speak Now

Yep, she’s that girl. She just wants to tell you that if you want to know why she ghosted you, listen to her song. You deserved it though.

4. Who could ever leave me, darling, but who could stay?– The Archer, Lover

Ah, yes. The eternal question of worth. How could it sound so beautiful while you doubt your capability of being loved?

5. You’re still all over me like a wine-stained dress I can’t wear anymore– Clean, 1989

She can’t move on and this is how she transformed you in a metaphor. You’ve been described as a wine-stained dress. You should be honored.

6. I knew you, leaving like a father, running like water– Cardigan, Folklore

You don’t understand how this particular line attacks on different levels. Is it the fact that you knew the feeling of hurt from a leaving father or the fact that your departure has been compared to that level of hurt?

7. I bury hatchets but I keep maps of where I put them– End Game, Reputation

Of course, Miss Swift doesn’t miss on the subtle grit of her words. It’s a sharp way of saying you’ll forgive but never forget.

Honestly, these are just a few of the excellent lyrics of her entire discography. It almost felt like a crime narrowing it down into just seven. It’s incredible how she made ordinary humane feelings into almost sounding surreal.

Anyway, BRB. Will sleep on my tears tonight with TS on loop. Don’t forget to stream our teenage puppy love anthem:



Spicy Produce

Lifestyle and features of mundane matters to fever dreams.